Alumni Admissions Reps Wanted

Admissions program seeks alumni assistance for student recruitment.

The Admissions Office is organizing a new initiative to involve alumni in recruiting efforts across the country. The program seeks representatives who can assist in recruiting, meeting, evaluating, and preparing candidates for MMA.

Alumni Chapters are also invited to participate.

The Alumni Representative Program can play a critical role in the success of the MMA admissions process and, furthermore, to the maritime industry and related fields. Representatives will help nurture interest in MMA, highlight positives of the maritime industry, and help create a spark for those who may be drawn to the hands-on nature of a maritime life.

Alumni will represent MMA at high school and college fairs, science programs, award nights, and Congressional events, plus regional and national fairs. Based on their interests, alumni representatives may work with civic groups, Scouts BSA, Girl Scouts, Boys State, Girls State and other organizations.

If you’re interested in being part of the Alumni Admissions Representative Program, please contact Kate Kana, Associate Director of Admissions, at

Photo: Billy R. Sims

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James F Lally Jr
5 years ago

I would be interested in helping out around the Upper Valley Region and the Manchester/Nashua area in New Hampshire

Rich Slack
5 years ago

Always willing to provide any support in the CT-RI area.

john sewall
5 years ago

I would be interested to assist in New England or any other location needed .

Bruce Spencer
5 years ago

I would interested in helping out around the Lakes Region in central New Hampshire.

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