Annual Fund Update

With only six months left to reach the Annual Fund Vision 20|20 goals and the Alfond Challenge, time is of the essence.

The Vision 20|20 countdown to June 30, 2020 has us looking at our new calendars. We have 167 days to receive 729 contributions in order to meet the Annual Fund Vision 20|20 goals and the Alfond Challenge. When we reach that goal, we will receive $750,000 toward scholarships for MMA students.

As of December 31, we had received 751 contributions from alumni for 2019 (a 10.15% participation rate) for a total of $460,080.00. This leaves us with 729 left to go in order to achieve the 20% participation rate goal for Vision 20|20, which was set through the Alfond Foundation Challenge.  To move the participation needle just 1%, it takes 74 alumni to participate.

Only the 2020 alumni participation rate will be used by the Alfond Foundation.  By comparison, in 2019, we were at 9.62 at the end of January; in 2018 we were at 6.7%.

If you have not yet sent a donation of any amount for the Annual Fund Vision 20|20 this year, we – and future shipmates – are counting on you!

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