Alumni Travel Program Survey

The MMA Alumni Association is exploring the creation of an MMA Travel Program.

Travel programs provide opportunities to travel with other MMA alumni, faculty, staff and affiliated passengers in an array of tours, depending on interests, from deluxe and traditional, to the exotic and adventurous.

Travel Survey Question

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6 years ago

Travel could be an excellent channel for both businesses, cultural and educational exchange. Whether people travel for leisure or business, there’s always a sense of cultural or socio-economic exchange in one way or another.

William H. Anderson
6 years ago

While we are still able we try to go to international destinations, and are saving USA destinations for later in life. Last year we went to Cyprus, for a wedding, then on to Jordan, Lebanon and an extended stop over in the UK for a 10- visit to Scotland. We also did A road trip to New Mexico with the primary objective of going to the Alberquerque Ballon festivial. ( we would do that again). This year will take us to a land, air and water tour with Viking Cruises to China. Later in the year an Alaska cruise with… Read more »

Bill Full
6 years ago

I am pleased to be heading this effort up along with my fellow Alumni Board Members on the Alumni Participation and Financial Support Committees and the Alumni office. Pending the results to this one question we will send out a full survey monkey to get a better idea of the types of travel the majority of folks are interested in but please feel free to make comments here or email me

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