Photo Contest Wining picture

Lost Balance

This spectacular photograph by Makena Merideth, an MTO major from Washington state, was taken in Port Angeles, Washington this past summer on the oldest U.S. Coast Guard base in the United States. It won 1st place in the Nature category of MMA’s Annual Photo Contest. The image features a Pacific Sea Nettle (West Coast Sea Nettle).

“These carnivorous creatures have toxins in their nematocysts (tentacles) that catch and trap prey much like a Venus Flytrap,” says Merideth. “The jellyfish are non-lethal to humans, but they can be quite painful, causing temporary blindness if their toxins reach your eyes (I speak from experience).

“Although seemingly rare when I was younger,” she says, “their populations are increasing at an alarming rate in response to global warming and a lack of predators brought on by overfishing.”

To see the winners:

Photo: Makena Merideth

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