Exploring Literary Horizons

The Faculty Recommends Series at Nutting Memorial Library

Maine Maritime Academy’s Nutting Memorial Library has embarked on an enriching literary journey with its innovative “Faculty Recommends” reading series.
The series was born following the publication of Associate Professor Elliot Rappaport’s book “Reading the Glass: A Captain’s View of Weather, Water, and Life on Ships” in the spring of 2023. The library staff, in support of Rappaport, were inspired to host an event inviting students and faculty to celebrate and discuss his work. This blossomed into the larger series which invites faculty to share their favorite works of literature with students, community members, and fellow staff. Each academic department-focused event, while tailored to specific disciplines, shares a common spirit of intellectual curiosity and engagement. Students gather to hear faculty recommendations, engage in lively discussions, and foster meaningful connections beyond the classroom. Faculty members and attendees are encouraged to mingle post-event to further delve into the world of literature.

The series aims to reinvigorate the library as the hub of intellectual life on campus. With a warm and welcoming atmosphere, it seeks to inspire a love for reading, emphasizing its role not only as an academic obligation but as a source of pleasure and connection.

“We want to send the message that reading is not just something we are obligated to do in our roles as teachers and students, but something we do for pleasure, and which can connect people,” said Jane McCamant, Research & Instruction Librarian.

As the “Faculty Recommends” series continues to flourish, it reaffirms the enduring power of literature to inspire, enlighten, and unite us all. In the vibrant tapestry of campus life, Nutting Memorial Library stands as a beacon of literary exploration, inviting all to embark on a journey of intellectual discovery and camaraderie.

Recommended books

“The Riddle of the Sands” by Erskine Childers (recommended by Rob Carter ‘00, MTO)

“Drive: The Surprising Truth About What Motivates Us” by Daniel H. pink (recommended by Chris Monroe, MTO)

“Reading the Glass: A Captain’s View of Weather, Water, and Life on Ships” by Elliot Rappaport (recommended by Elliot Rappaport, MTO)

“The Original Biography of Abbie Burgess, Lighthouse Heroine” by Ruth Sexton Sargent and Dorothy Holder Jones (recommended by Jen Haddock, MTO)

“20,000 Leagues Under the Sea” by jules verne (recommended by Matt Hofer ‘09, MTO)

“Our Maine: Exploring Its Rich Natural Heritage” by Aram Calhoun, Malcolm Hunter Jr, and Kent Redford (recommended by Jessie Muhlin, OS)

“The Urban Bestiary” by Lyanda Lynn Haupt (recommended by Sarah O’Malley, OS)

“The King’s Coat” by Dewey Lambdin (recommended by Ann Cleveland, OS)

“A Wizard of Earthsea” by Ursula K. Le Guin (recommended by Karen Merritt, OS)

“Birds of Prey” by wilbur smith (recommended by Alan Verde, OS)

“Anxious People” by Fredrik Backman (recommended by Lauren Albon, AS)

“Let There Be Night: Testimony on Behalf of the Dark” by Paul Bogard (recommended by Andrew Kingston, AS)

“A crack in creation: Gene editing and the unthinkable power to control evolution” by Jennifer Doudna and Samuel H. Sternberg (recommended by Joseph Moser, AS)

“A Visit from the Goon Squad” by Jennifer Egan (recommended by Amy Nyberg, AS)

“Dune” by Frank Herbert (recommended by Dana Polojärvi, AS)

“Ender’s Game” by Orson Scott Card (recommended by Kristen Pratt, AS)

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