Bowdoin Returns to the Arctic in 2024

IN LATE MAY, schooner Bowdoin and a very fortunate crew led by Captain Alexander Peacock will make the first trip back into the Arctic Circle since 2008. Originally commissioned by explorer Donald B. MacMillan to facilitate his work in the high northern latitudes, Bowdoin has made 29 trips above the Arctic Circle, 26 of those from 1921-54 under the command of MacMillan. Maine Maritime Academy is planning three educational voyages back to the Arctic, including this summer’s passage, that trace the historic expeditions of Captain MacMillan. The embarked students will conduct science experiments, practice celestial navigation, collect marine and terrestrial data, and demonstrate seamanship – much like Captain MacMillan and his crew.

Bowdoin holds the distinction of both being the only American schooner built specifically for Arctic exploration and as being the official sailing vessel of the state of Maine.

This picture is of Battle Harbour, Labrador, which lies at the southeast corner of the Labrador coast and was always a favorite stop of Macmillan’s for provisioning and R&R. The location is also where Admiral Robert Peary broadcasted to the world that he was the first to reach the geographic North Pole in 1909 (with Mac by his side).

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