MMA President's Watch
funded, located in Castine, organized, staffed,
Since our founding, the people of Maine Mar-
and approved by the Maritime Administration.
itime Academy have built a worldwide reputa-
In the words of Senator Leavitt at the time, the
tion for excellence; first, as graduates, faculty and
first 29 students to attend the Academy "...
officers of the nautical training school original y
came to nothing more than an idea, instead of a
established to contribute skilled mariners for
school, and not only stayed, but ... breathed life
the war effort in the 1940s; and now, represent-
into the institution."
ing a national y and international y recognized
That first class of Midshipmen graduated on
contemporary college preparing students for
May 5, 1943 followed a mere five months later by
careers in engineering, science, management and
the second class on October 30, 1943. That was
transportation. We have come a long way.
the class my dad, Capt. William F. Brennan,
Fifty years ago this past February, I arrived
was in and years later, after a career in the U.S.
in Castine with my family as my father began
Navy, he returned as the Academy's first Com-
his post as Commandant. Today, as I look at the
mandant of Midshipmen.
commemorative challenge coins struck to com-
During the 1960s and 70s, RADM Ted Rod-
memorate our 75th anniversary, I can't help but
gers, Superintendent at the time, worked very
feel nostalgic as I reflect upon the challenge coin
MMA President
closely with the legislature and was responsible
I stil have from the year I arrived; the 25th anni-
for both consistent growth in student num-
versary of the Academy's founding. I am proud
bers and numerous capital improvements on
to be President of this wonderful institution and
campus. He was an excellent fundraiser and he
I owe a debt of gratitude to al who came before
AsIwrite,wearedaysawayfromamajor leveragedbothprivatedonationsandincreased me,includingPresidentLenTyler,fordoinga
milestone in Maine Maritime Academy
state funding through the legislature to complete
masterful job to evolve this institution to the
history: our 75th anniversary. As of March
important facilities upgrades and construction
contemporary college it is today.
21, the date the Academy was founded by an Act
on campus. Rodgers had a focused vision for the
We began this year­2016­honoring the
of the 90th Maine State Legislature in 1941, the
Academy: to make it the best of any maritime
memory of the Academy's first graduate with the
college has been in operation for 75 years.
academy in the country, and to be one of the
Academy flag held at half-staff. We wil celebrate
Such an occasion gives us the opportunity
best colleges in Maine. It was during Rodgers'
our history on the actual day of our anniver-
to pay homage to the past. Our theme for this
tenure that MMA was accredited by the New
sary, March 21, on campus with a student-led
anniversary year is "We Are Mariners," with a
England Association of Schools and Colleges to
ceremony to mark the day when Maine Maritime
focus on al of the people who have had a hand
grant bachelor's degrees, which set the stage for
Academy began. We wil come together at the
in building the Academy into what it is today.
us to continue to grow and to be able to offer the
steps of Leavitt Hal for student readings from
Phil Adams '43-1, the very first MMA grad-
academic majors we have today. His adminis-
MMA history. And, I wil pass along two smal
uate to receive his diploma, passed away late last
tration also accepted the first female applicant,
words that, for Phil Adams, made a lasting
year. Some years ago, Phil made it his mission to
Deborah Doane (Dempsey)'76, who became
impression when spoken by Admiral Dismukes
`set things right' with the MMA seal, and I heard
the first woman to command a U.S. merchant
back in those early days: "Carry on."
from him several times over the past 5 years
vessel in international trade. The campus flag
In this issue you wil see some of the plans
regarding that mission. Back in the 1980s, and
flew at half-staff for a week last month, following
for celebration this year. I hope you wil come
for reasons that are not altogether clear in the
Admiral Rodgers' passing.
to campus for the MMA Birthday Party during
present, the direction that the ship faced in the
When Governor Kenneth Curtis--a 1952
Homecoming, September 24, 2016. We wil share
original MMA seal was changed. As a demon-
graduate of MMA--became President in 1986,
more details in the coming months, but please
stration of the respect I have for the alumni of
he was quoted as saying his focus was on "keep-
save the date. I look forward to seeing you in
our early classes, and for the honor and tradition
ing pace with today," which he accomplished first
Castine for the fireworks.
that is the foundation of Maine Maritime Acad-
by developing a strategic plan for the
emy, I directed a transition back to the original
Academy. While Governor Curtis
orientation of the ship in the college seal. The
was at the helm, the Academy
ship in the Academy's official seal now has been
launched the Ocean Studies
returned to its original position, as a privileged
and International Business
vessel on a starboard tack. I wrote Phil of this
and Logistics programs;
change back in August; little did I know that
acquired the schooner
would be my last correspondence with him.
Bowdoin, which was
In our founding days it was Senator Ralph A.
designated the Official
Leavitt, a man my dad has called the father of the
Vessel of the State of Maine;
Academy, who championed the idea of creating
launched a multi-million
the school. Senator Leavitt was appointed the
capital campaign; re-constructed
first President of the Board of Trustees, and
and extended the waterfront pier;
there were a number of other contributors to the
increased endowment for scholarships;
Academy's success in the ful legislative list for
and made numerous other improvements to the
1941-42. In its first two years, the Academy was
campus and culture of the college.
Challenge coin honoring Maine Maritime Academy's 75th year.