Commandant's Desk
weather and for a port visit to St. Croix. Before
fundraising programs like Moustache November
reaching our port of cal , we paused at the resting
(Movember) and opened the account with an
site of the El Faro for a short tribute to our
initial deposit of $1,000 after awarding $500 each
shipmates aboard. It was a solemn morning with
to student family members of the MMA El Faro
clear skies and calm seas as the Cadet Masters,
Chiefs and the Regimental Commander lowered
As you can see from the little bit I have writ-
a wreath over the side.
ten, our Midshipmen are perpetuating the strong
In the wake of that moving tribute, our Mid-
tradition of service that continues to set apart the
shipmen have taken up the mantel of Shipmate
Maine Maritime Academy Mariners from the rest
support and have launched two new initiatives.
of the field.
First, 3/C Elizabeth Bailey has begun coordina-
tion with the American Cancer Society to estab-
Until next time,
lish MMA as a site for a fundraiser known as Re-
lay For Life. This event wil be conducted in Fal
Greetings Shipmates,
of 2016 and wil incorporate Mariners as wel as
local area high schools, broadening our outreach
Yetanothersemesterhasstarted,another beyondtheCastinepeninsula.Additionaly,the
class has taken their USCG Exams, Reg-
Midshipman Leadership (Wedge, as most of you
Capt. Nathan Gandy '92
imental Change of Command has taken
wil remember them) have started an account
place and we are preparing for the Regimental
with the Office of Advancement. Their intent is
Awards Banquet. Amongst al of that "normal"
to establish a scholarship once enough money
activity, we completed another winter training
has been raised through campus fundraisers in
Maine Maritime Academy Midshipmen, we do
cruise, this time transiting south to warmer
the coming years. This year, they organized initial
more by 0800 than most col ege students do al day.
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