Castine Current
Parents Association Activities Support All Students
In December, the Parents Association held a tuition raffle.
Thirteen prizes were given. Photo by College Relations
to its list of major activities. In November, the
association mails letters to al parents announc-
ing the raffle, and in December tickets are pulled
from entrants and winners announced. In the
2014 raffle, so much money was raised the
The pool table and air hockey table in the Bilge were both gifts from the Parents Association. Photo by Chase Hughes
association awarded $5,000, $2,500 and $1,000
FourparentshavebeenguidingMMA's inthespringsemester;providingfundsfora prizes,aswelasten$100giftcardstotheMMA
Parents Association with enthusiasm and
new pool table for The Bilge; paying for half of
pizazz to provide a support network for
the new air hockey table in the student center;
Last year's raffle netted $14,800 enabling
students. The association's Executive Com-
purchasing GoPro cameras for the Bowdoin and
the Parents Association to distribute $5,000 to
mittee, Sue-Lyn MacLeod, Lisa Gray, Denise
TS State of Maine training programs, as wel as
John Brigante '18, $2,500 to Anna Spring '19
Perkins-Field and Lorrinda Connol y, meets
items for the annual training cruises -- movies,
and $1,000 to Alexandra Allen '19. Ten students
regularly to develop strategies to not only help
games, videos and more. For fellow parents
received $100 gift cards to the bookstore.
students, but also serve as a communication link
and visitors, the Parents Association provides
Al parents can be sure the Parents Asso-
for parents and families. Valuable input comes
refreshments at the annual ship jump and the
ciation is never far away from each and every
from active members of the association as wel .
training cruise departure. Al first-year students,
The group's recent activities include giving
immediately after they make their first jump
Any ideas for future activities? The executive
away $15 gift cards as stress-busters to randomly
from the stern of the ship, receive candy bars
committee would love to hear from you. Con-
chosen students the week before final exams;
from Parents Association volunteers.
tact Sue-Lyn MacLeod: sue-lyn@roadrunner.
raffling more than 50 donated prizes to students
In 2014, the association added a tuition raffle
ilyR.Simsbeganworkasmanaging magazines,includingapreviousstintinMaine
editor of the magazine with this issue,
as executive editor of WoodenBoat and 13
succeeding Professor Laurie Stone who
years as lead editor of Time Inc.'s Cooking Light
recently retired. Sims brings more than 40 years'
experience as an editor, writer and photogra-
After rebuilding a Scottish gaff-rigged cutter,
pher. He moved to Maine a year ago and has
he sailed some 8,000 miles with a year in Ber-
provided freelance editorial services, primarily
muda and the Caribbean.
digital content and video production, for clients
"I'm delighted to help tel the great stories of
such as Popular Woodworking and the Smithso-
people and learning at MMA," said Sims, "and to
nian Museum of American Art.
sail the waters of Maine once again."
Sims has also edited more than a dozen
2016 - ISSUE 1