"My father wil turn 90 years old on March 30, 2015,
and we, his children, have organized a `Birthday Card
Shower' where we have asked family, friends, classmates,
and shipmates to send him a birthday card..."
[Request to the Alumni office from Leslie Nelson
Pereira, daughter of Cdr. Gerard L. Nelson '43-2].
two classes of students from MMA sent cards
to Cdr. Nelson, as did some faculty and alumni.
Cdr. Nelson's response follows.
My mailman said, "I quit! To hel with
it! A twenty buck tip at Christmas is not
enough to put up with al this %^&@ !" In other
words, thank you very much for al the cards and
celebrating my 90th birthday with me in spirit. It
was quite a party with my kids and grandkids and
Rod Nelson holds his new MMA diploma while posing with his family. Photo courtesy of R Nelson '43-2.
took over 3 ½ hours to open al the cards and tel
al the stories.
Jim Proulx '85, Alyssa Allen, Amy Gutow
and the Maine Maritime Alumni Association,
the Host Family Program that
thank you for the `diploma.' At the age of 90, I feel
is available to students and let
as though I have accomplished one thing in my
you know that Forrest's (For-
life ­ my class is now known official y as 1943-2,
rest Glasgow '15) host family,
in my eyes one of my greatest accomplishments!
Christine and Jack (Stephen)
(that and graduating!)
Spratt '93 and Nora and Logan,
Al you did is greatly appreciated from the
have been the best! Forrest has
bottom of my heart.
been connected to this wonderful
Rod Nelson '43-2
and giving family for four years.
They have been there for him
for multiple airport trips, loaned
esterday afternoon (April 16, 2015), I had
him their vehicle, helped him out
a lovely encounter at the Blue Hil Post
when he was feeling a little lonely
office with one of your students, a senior
and homesick his freshman year
named Michael Sargent '15. I was attempting
and many other acts of kindness
to mail an envelope, which turned out to require
and friendship, including dinners,
considerably more postage than I had anticipat-
picnics, and bonfires. When we
ed. Having stuffed only a dol ar in my pocket
are in town, they welcome us in
before leaving home, I was just going to leave it
their home and always offer us a
for another day when Michael, behind me in line,
place to stay. They even hosted
stepped up and said, "I'l pay the difference." This
his post-graduation party which
`random act of kindness' stunned al of us within
is just the most loving, generous,
earshot. He was quite insistent so I grateful y
and kind gift to Forrest and us...I
accepted, though in the rather flustered way of
just wanted to let you know how
the old lady I am fast becoming.
valuable this program was to our
Al of which is to say that you have one
family and how awesome the
wonderful student about to graduate from
Spratts are for everything they do
MMA. It lifts my heart to know that such a fine,
for students.
upstanding, genuinely courteous young man wil
Flora J. Glasgow
soon be making his way in the world. I wish him
Salisbury, MD
profoundly wel .
Letter sent to Deidra Davis, Dean of
Jean-Alice U. Koch
Letter sent to Deidra Davis, Dean of Students
2015 - ISSUE 2