Last Wish BEComEs Lasting gift
Master's program student Initiates $500,000 lead gift to Bowdoin centennial campaign
"giving doesn't have to be a big thing, it
fund maritime initiatives, and supported several organi-
can be...the smallest taking ten seconds out
zations in the Houston area (their hometown) including
of your day to help somebody, and possibly changing
Houston Safe Boating Council's W.A.D.E. training program,
their life for the better," said Jeffrey Pollock between
where Jeff and Russel both volunteered as teens, and Spe-
classes on a cool March day at Maine Maritime Acad-
cial olympics Sailing. The gift to MMA wil be the final gift
emy. He was talking with Kay Hightower, Campaign
to be disbursed from the foundation, which wil be closed
Director for the Bowdoin Centennial Campaign. In his
later this year.
characteristical y understated way, Jeff Pollock deflected
"I love sailing," Jeff said, "and just knowing a little bit
the far-reaching significance of a decision he had made a
about the history of the Bowdoin I thought, `we could help
few weeks earlier.
keep this classic wooden boat sailing.'"
In fact, `the smallest thing' is far from what Jeffrey Pol-
That, in a nutshel , is the whole purpose of the Bowdoin
lock and his family decided to do to help the schooner
Centennial Campaign: to keep Bowdoin sailing and explor-
Bowdoin last winter. They gave $500,000 through the
ing for the next 100 years.
Herman D. Pollock Family Foundation to benefit the
The campaign's goal is to raise $1.6 million in order to
Bowdoin Centennial Campaign, and al because Jeff
replace the ship's 30-year-old deck and to strengthen an
learned of the ship's importance to MMA's sail training
endowment to maintain the ship's sound condition over
program and its much-needed upcoming deck repair.
its next 100 years. The Campaign Cabinet was just getting
Jeff first learned of the Bowdoin Centennial Campaign
organized when Kay announced the lead gift at a prelimi-
(see p. 8) as it was getting organized last fal because, as a
nary meeting.
MMA graduate student in the Global Logistics and Mari-
"I gathered the group and described my first meeting
time Management program, he was taking a course called
with Jeff. We talked for 45 minutes about his background
Applied Research for Business Consulting. Through the
and family, and his educational experience at MMA. Then,
course, taught by Library Director and Adjunct Professor
we discussed the campaign's objectives and the foundation's
Wendy Girven, he and two classmates chose to study two
funding interests, and within a few minutes, we agreed that
training vessels, the schooner Bowdoin and the tug Penta-
the two were strongly aligned. It never occurred to me that
goet and their impact on waterfront courses.
the campaign's lead gift would come from a current student,
"In the course, students act as consultants to a depart-
but it did, and it was the first of its kind at MMA."
ment to understand its purpose and relationship to the
The Herman D. Pollock Family Foundation gift was so
mission of the college," said Professor Girven. "They obtain
unique that President William Brennan acknowledged it
student feedback and provide recommendations to the
during his remarks at the 2015 Commencement. As he talk-
department based on that feedback. The project immerses
ed of Jeff having taken his place in the MMA community
graduate students in campus life and community, and it
to heart, Jeff, in the front row with al of the Master's degree
helps them to connect to MMA's mission and curriculum."
candidates, smiled ear to ear. "The Academy has no prece-
Course research included interviews with waterfront
dent for accepting such a gift from a student," said President
staff and students in the Smal Vessel operations and Vessel
Brennan. "Jeff, we are both proud and grateful, and I want
operations and Technology programs, both of which use
to personal y thank you and your family for your donation."
Bowdoin as a central training platform. During a tour at the
Those who know Jeff describe him as unassuming,
start of the project, Waterfront operations Manager Dana
thoughtful, and approachable. "He also has an infectious
Willis described the work that was planned for the schoo-
smile," said Donald Maier, Associate Dean of the Loeb-Sul-
ner, including the deck replacement, and that piqued Jeff's
livan School of International Business and Logistics describ-
curiosity. "It got me thinking...Bowdoin would be a great
ing his impressions of Jeff as a student. "His sincerity and
thing to donate to."
leadership potential was quickly recognized by the recruit-
The Herman D. Pollock Family Foundation, of which
ers at General Dynamics NASSCo, where he has earned a
Jeffrey Pollock, his brother Russel Pollock, and their
position in their Professional Development Program."
mother Lois Geyer are Trustees, was established to fulfil
In June, Jeff wil leave Castine for a new life in San Diego,
Herman's wish to gift some of his wealth to a charity of the
but his friendly, warm smile and generosity of spirit wil be
family's choosing. Herman was Jeff and Russel 's great uncle,
remembered here at MMA for a long, long time to come.
who died when the brothers were young, but they remem-
Bowdoin's new deck, which wil be renovated this fal ,
ber going with their father, Gary, as youngsters to bring a
wil be a lasting reminder of the Pollock family's gift that
check from Herman's estate to the Salvation Army around
brought new life to the schooner, and kept her sailing for
another 100 years.
"It was so fun to give money away," remembered Jeff.
Far more fun than the paperwork required to establish
and run a foundation. The brothers and their mother inher-
ited the responsibility of gifting final assets from Herman's
We are both proud
estate when Gary died. The family set up the foundation to
and gratEfuL
Photos: Pollock at Commencement, May 2, 2015; S Szwajkos, Bowdoin in the Arctic; T Stewart.