Chapter News
tinguished retired Congresswoman Helen Delich
Bentley, a long-standing proponent of strength-
a happy hour before holding its annual business
ening America's Merchant fleet.
meeting; after which, the Craignair Inn served a
delicious supper to the 30 members and guests.
Discussions are underway to identify a location
Chapter president, Captain Chet Hopkins '62,
for a spring meeting of the Chapter likely to
be held in either Washington, DC or Northern
introduced the guest speaker, Jon Johansen,
Virginia. Chapter President: Todd Lapointe '87
editor of the MAINE COASTAL NEWS and
an expert on local maritime history. Johansen
il ustrated his vibrant talk about shipwrecks off
Chesapeake Bay Chapter membership was wel
the New England and Canadian Maritimes coasts.
represented during the recent joint Maritime
Academy luncheon held in Washington, DC's
Phoenix Hotel on Monday, January 27th, hosting
a presentation by 1982 alumni and current
Commander of Military Sealift Command (MSC)
Rear Admiral Thomas K. Shannon `82. Chapter
attendees spanned the years from 1952 through
Kennebec Valley
The Southern
2000. The presentation by Rear Admiral Shannon
focused on the changing challenges facing MSC
The Kennebec Valley Chapter participated in
getting the word out for the "Yes on 4" vote by
posting signs in the greater Waterville area. Con-
The MMA Southern California Alumni Chapter
gratulations to al for a successful campaign!
held its 16th annual "Al Academy Christmas
The Chapter's fal gathering in late October
Banquet" on the evening of Saturday, December
featured a visit from Dr. William J. Brennan and
7, 2013, at the Coronado Golf Course Club-
Paul Mercer `73 who both provided a discussion
house. The clubhouse provided dramatic views
of current activity at the Academy, including an
of the Coronado Bridge, Hotel Del Coronado,
overview of the new ABS Center for Engineering,
and the San Diego Bay. 55 alumni and guests
Science and Research.
were in attendance including two members of
Visitors at the Lego-style Fleet of Vessels booth
The Chapter's winter gathering was held the
the MMA Wal of Honor, Fred Harris '67 and
first week of February and featured a brief discus-
Frank Tepedino '58
and the need to build better awareness of the
who were accompanied
sion to outline its participation in and assistance
critical missions and invaluable service that MSC
by their wives. We were honored to have Dr.
to the Alumni Association in hosting the 2014
provides during times of both war and peace.
William Brennan, MMA President, provide a
Wilbur Brown Golf Tournament. Chapter Presi-
Also central to the meeting was the deployment
presentation that included an update on the status
dent: Jon Fortier '86.
earlier that day of the MV CAPE RAY as she
of the ABS Center for Engineering, Science and
embarked loaded with sophisticated equipment
Research, the importance of alumni involvement
Monday for the Mediterranean Sea where she wil
to MMA and general information about recent
be used to destroy dozens of containers of deadly
Academy successes. Also, Mr. Kevin Mooney,
chemical weapons being removed from Syria.
Vice President of Operations for General Dy-
Unique to this mission, the CAPE RAY, belonging
namics NASSCO, provided a presentation that
to the Department of Transportation's Maritime
Penobscot Bay
included insights into MMA graduates who have
Administration (MARAD), was transferred to
impacted the US Navy submarine force and ship
MSC before setting sail with a crew of about 35
construction. Guests included alumni from the
civilian mariners aboard as wel as 60 experts
US Merchant Marine Academy and California
needed to operate the sophisticated equipment
Maritime Academy. Contact Ralph Staples `71
and provide the security necessary to complete
for information about future activities:
her mission. Chapter members also took the
Members of the Penobscot Bay Chapter held
time to speak with Rear Admiral Shannon, senior
their spring meeting at the Craignair Inn, Clark
leaders from both MARAD and MSC and dis-
Island, ME, on June 6, 2013. The chapter enjoyed
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