Castine Current
Marine Hydrokinetic (MHK) Grant: Under the
five substantial grants to conduct research in a
direction of Darrel Donahue, Maine Maritime
variety of areas. Below is a brief description of
Academy wil test models of marine hydrokinetic
each grant and the people involved.
power projects with grants of over half a million
dol ars from various sources including a sizeable
METEL Grant: The United States Department
grant from the Maine Technology Institute
of Transportation awarded MMA a grant of
(MTI). International and domestic companies
$1,414,100 to develop a Marine Engine Testing
are inquiring about MMA's testing program and
and Emissions Laboratory (METEL). "This is
considering the academy for the test site for
the largest research grant received to date by
their project scale models. Four permitted sites
Maine Maritime Academy and marks the first
in Castine Harbor and the Bagaduce River have
opportunity for the college to serve as a lead
been approved by the Federal Energy Regulatory
institution," according to Dr. Darrel Donahue,
Rockweed Research: The Maine Economic
Commission (FERC) for the academy to use in
MMA Director of Research. The METEL mission
Improvement Fund Smal Campus Initiative
its testing program. An MTI grant underwrote
is to research and test ways to make existing
awarded MMA a research grant for $93,605 to
the purchase of a 60 x 24-foot test barge used
marine diesel engines more efficient while also
conduct research on "two types of seaweed ­ the
by Ocean Renewable Power Corporation to
reducing emissions to meet the new regulations
commercial y harvested Ascophyl um nodosum
place a tidal power plant in Eastport Bay, Maine.
established by the International Convention for
and the prevalent Fucus vesicilosus ­ in order to
Academy students wil be an integral part of the
the Prevention of Pol ution from Ships. Accord-
understand their contributions to the near-shore
testing projects as some wil drive the PENTA-
ing to the Principal Investigator, Dr. Richard
food web and ecosystem." Dr. Jessica Muhlin,
GOET tugboat to push the barge to turbine sites
Kimbal , associate professor of engineering, four
associate professor of marine biology, is the
and others wil study the effects of the turbines on
separate projects wil occur: researching the
Principal Investigator directing the project. Her
marine life. Peter Vigue '69, CEO of the Cianbro
biofuel glycol; at-sea testing of hydrogen injection
research includes col aboration with Dr. Kenneth
Corporation, has strongly supported research
systems; using forest biomass fuels; and using
Dunton of the University of Texas at Austin and
at MMA and was involved in the col aboration
thermo-electricity. The University of Maine, Sea
Dr. Brian Beal, professor of marine ecology at the
with UMaine to test the floating wind turbine,
Change Group LLC, Global Marine Solutions,
University of Maine at Machias. Pamela Grindle
VolturnUS. Vigue told Craig Idlebrook of the
and Thermoelectric Power Systems LLC (owned
'02, research assistant, is helping conduct field
by Travis Wal ace '09, a marine systems graduate
studies, placing temperature data collectors in the
ocean renewable energy industry plays to the
now getting his PhD in engineering at the Uni-
water and collecting algae among other respon-
school's strengths of teaching maritime skil s and
versity of Maine) have partnered with MMA. Un-
sibilities under the direction of Muhlin. Students
engineering skil s," and he continued, "I think the
dergraduates wil be directly involved in various
from both MMA and the University of Maine are
school is ripe for educating the next generation of
facets of the research to broaden their engineer-
also working on the project.
renewable energy engineers." (Sept. 13, 2013).
ing expertise, "prepare them for graduate studies,
and become leaders in the area of emissions"
(Kimball). The new lab wil be located in the ABS
Center for Research, Engineering and Science
at MMA now under construction and expected
to open in January, 2015. In an October press
conference, Dr. William J. Brennan, President of
MMA, summarized the benefits of the research,
"We are a career-oriented college. The research
our faculty and students do addresses critical
issues facing the maritime transportation and
power industries. Our college is uniquely suited
to work with emerging technologies and systems
used in these industries." [B Pearson, El sworth
American, Oct. 24, 2013].
2014- ISSUE 1
Mariner 2014.1.indd 12
4/10/14 11:39 AM