The SMS Innovation Center
will feature emerging research projects,
such as the METEL lab and it will offer the
flexibility to configure space as research
projects require. The laboratory is named
for Strategic Maintenance Solutions, a Maine-
based firm founded by Jason Oney "96 and
Dan Hobart "94.
The materials testing lab
is where students will explore the proper-
ties of engineering materials used in design.
This lab will house equipment vital for engi-
neering, research including the fabrication
and testing of engineering materials. Spe-
cialized equipment will include a tensile test
machine, impact tester, buckling machine, and
ovens for heat-treating metals and other
will contain various renewable energy
education stations and will support re-
The Searway
newable energy research in off-shore
Entrance and Lobby
wind, thermoelectric heat recovery, CO2
will contain a showcase com-
capture, tidal and wave energy and ma-
mand-and-control center
rine biofuels.
where students and visitors
can view energy usage around
the world and on MMAs campus.
Similar to a control center you
might see in a power plant, the
showcase will allow users to
see how state-of-the-art ener-
gy control systems work. The
entrance is named for
Scott Searway 66.
The Fluid Power Lab
is dedicated to educating students on
the fundamental concepts of fluid pow-
er, thermodynamics and engineering
testing critical topics for engineers
in both the emerging and traditional
industries that employ our students.
Mariner 2013.3.indd 25
11/22/13 11:20 AM