The Ocean Energy Lab
will allow MMA faculty and students to de-
sign, test, and evaluate wave energy devices
(wind and tidal) as well as autonomous un-
derwater vehicles and devices. This lab will
house a research wave tank and recirculat-
ed flume system, as well as stations for algae
reactors and a water tank for submergence
testing vessels and devices.
The William E. Haggett
Project Laboratory
will provide a setting for students to work
on and showcase their capstone projects.
Capstone projects are intensive, hands-
on projects that engineering students
complete in their final year. They require
significant effort in planning and execution
and are the culmination of a student's engi-
neering education.
The Instrumentation and Electronics Lab
will provide state-of-the-art electronics and
instruments to support research, design and
education in the areas of wind turbine research,
power electronics, renewable energy, thermo-
electric generation, and solar panel design
and evaluation.
The Kirby Corporation Lobby
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