Professor Reed Awarded "Crash" Contract
Several professors at Maine Maritime Academy not only teach full-time but also have consulting businesses in their fields. Their first-
hand knowledge of industry provides students with an integral link to the real world.
One such mentor is Engineering Professor Richard Reed. His consulting firm, Crash Research & Analysis, Inc., was recently awarded
a 5-year, four-million-dollar contract to investigate crashes for the US Department of Transportation. Prior to coming to MMA in 1996,
Reed was in charge of special crash investigations for the US government. His professional experiences in human factors and accident
causation enliven his classroom lectures. Students often recall details from the lectures and apply the information to their own jobs. In
fact, on a flight to Bangor during Christmas Break, a former student reminisced with Reed about a lecture regarding the center brake
light on trucks, based on a regulation written by Reed for the Department of Transportation.
Maine Maritime Academy repeatedly proves its direct and active connections to various industries. Reed represents one of those
critical connections for students and fellow faculty members.
As I Leave...
By Ethan Dublin `13
1/C Ethan Dublin '13 transferred his power as
Regimental Operations Officer to 2/C Owen
Mims on February 4, 2013. In his change-of-
command speech, Dublin charged the
Class of 2016 to do one thing:
As I leave, I ask that you do one thing.
Continue the legacy in which you started.
MMA is more than just a little school in a
tiny town no one has heard of in Maine. You
may think you don't want to do anything
now, fly under the radar, go above the
trip wire, and stay away from the training
and all the regiment has to offer. The
regiment still makes up a majority of the
school's population and when the industry
sees MMA, they see the regiment and its
training. I challenge you to improve this
institution and fix the flaws. It doesn't come
from one person; it's a joint effort. You all
need to take the challenge, and execute it
soon. You are MMA!
MARINER 2013 - Issue 2