Castine Current
Graduate Students Present Blue-Chip Report
Loeb-Sullivan School of Graduate Studies Students in
the students noted that roads would need to be improved,
Professor William DeWitt's course, Global Logistics and
Bangor International Airport would need more and better
Maritime Management, presented the results of a study they
connections to key cities, and an intermodal facility for goods
conducted on behalf of the Eastern Maine Development
being shipped or received would need to be in place. Eastern
Corporation. They were asked to determine the feasibility of
Maine Development Company and Mobilize Eastern Maine are
developing a Searsport-to-Bangor logistics corridor where rail,
working together to determine ways to institute the suggestions
sea, road, and air transportation modes would be integrated
made by the MMA graduate students.
Professors Mark
and coordinated. After conducting innumerable interviews
Shaughnessy, Navneet Jain, and Donald Maier all supervised
with various companies and after examining the present
and contributed advice and expertise to the students during
infrastructure in the proposed corridor, the students affirmed
their yearlong study. The final report can be read online at the
"the viability for logistics-based movement in this corridor."
MMA website:
(W. DeWitt in M. Wickenheiser, "Moving Maine by Moving
Goods," Bangor Daily News 06/23/12). As part of the report,
Invest in Yourself
Increase Your Knowledge Base
United States Merchant Marine Academy
Master of Science Degree in Marine Engineering
Bangor Savings Bank
Online Based, Distance-Learning Engineering Education
Invests In MMA
A blend of application and theory at the graduate level focused
In mid-July 2012, Bangor Savings
on advanced concepts in marine engineering. This 36-credit
Bank made one of its most important
program is designed for working professionals and can be
investments to date ­ an investment
completed without the need to take a leave of absence from a job
in Maine Maritime Academy, and
ultimately the state of Maine. Michelle
or relocate. It consists of seven required courses and five
Mann, assistant vice president and
electives. A suitable thesis or design project may be substituted
branch manager of Bangor Savings
for one or two electives.
Bank (Castine), presented a check to
MMA's president, Dr. William Brennan,
for investment in the ABS Center for
Engineering and Applied Research.
Computational Methods, Marine Industry Policy, Electrical Power
Mann noted, "This grant award from our
Systems, Advanced Marine Materials, Advanced Marine Power Plants,
Foundation signifies our commitment
Thermal System Design & Optimization, Internal Combustion Engine
to improving the quality of life in the
Analysis & New Technologies
communities we serve..." Dr. Brennan
responded, "We appreciate this generous
gift from Bangor Savings Bank.
Propulsion & Propulsors, Marine Nuclear Propulsion, Power
It is a testament to their support of our
Electronics, Marine Engineering Management, Shipboard Control
educational mission..."
Systems, Marine Electrical Systems & Propulsion, Vibration of Marine
Machinery & Structures, Reliability Engineering & Operations
Research, Marine Propulsion Systems, Hydrostatics & Basic
For additional information go to