Exciting news for future 4+1 graduate students!
Interested in pursuing a master's degree while still employed? Ever thought about taking
courses online? If so, we have a solution. The Loeb-Sullivan School of International Busi-
ness and Logistics (LSS) will be launching a trial program of online courses for spring
2013. The intent of the trial is to gauge the market for online programs including the poten-
tial to earn your master's degree completely online ­ and we need your help in developing
this program. The online courses offered would be BA548 "Applied Logistics for Interna-
tional Supply Chain Success," and BA551 "Port and Transport Terminal Operations in
Global Logistics." Both courses will be taught by IBL faculty to further enrich your online
learning experience. If you are interested in taking these online courses, or future online
courses, from the Loeb-Sullivan School, please email the LSS Administrator at in-
fo.ls@mma.edu. There will be limited enrollment available in each course, so please don't
hesitate. Your feedback and interest now will help LSS decide the future direction of the
master's program.
We're still here for you !
207-326-2212 MMA--Loeb-Sullivan School email: info.ls@mma.edu
41 MARINER / FALL 2012