Welcome Aboard Shipmate

Nineteen months after the initial edition of the Alumni e-newsletter was published, the MMA Alumni Association, in cooperation with MMA College Relations, is introducing Shipmate, a redesign of the original e-newsletter.

Shipmate shares a format and consistent branding with the new online Mariner. Shipmate - shaking handsIt’s also mobile friendly, allows you to post comments on any article, and incorporates interactive technologies, such as video, to communicate stories.

To give alumni a steady chain of communications, the six publishing dates of Shipmate will coincide with the off-months of Mariner. Still a bi-monthly newsletter, Shipmate will be sent in January, March, May, July, September and November. The Mariner magazine will be published in April, August and December in print and online.

If you have a sea story to tell, we urge you to “Tell Your Story,” and identify alumni who would be great subjects for an Alumni Profile or otherwise have compelling tales to tell. We are creating a schedule of articles (features, profiles, sea stories, campus events and more) for 2018 for both Mariner and Shipmate.

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Sue Loomis
7 years ago

Congratulations on the launching of this fine, lively complement to the Mariner. I look forward to the stories that will be told here.

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